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Text File | 1994-04-19 | 13.4 KB | 554 lines | [TEXT/Imag] |
- var
- CharLoc:integer; {Global variable, initially zero}
- macro 'Save using Time as Name…';
- {Note: Colons are not allowed in file names.}
- var
- year,month,day,hour,minute,second,DayOfWeek:integer;
- begin
- GetTime(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,DayOfWeek);
- SaveAs(year-1900:2,'-',month:2,'-',day:2,
- '/',hour:2,'-'minute:2,'-',second:2);
- end;
- macro 'Open with selection… [O]';
- begin
- if nPics>0 then KillRoi; {Save Selection}
- Open(''); {Prompt for file name}
- RestoreROI; {Transfer selection to new window}
- end;
- macro 'Save All…';
- {
- Saves all currently open images in a folder using '001', '002', etc.
- as the file names. The save file dialog box will be displayed once
- (and only once) so that you can specify the folder to save the files in.
- Leave the file name blank(e.g. SaveAs('')) to get a dialog box for each file.
- }
- var
- n:integer;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.45);
- for n:=1 to nPics do begin
- SelectPic(n);
- SaveAs(n:3);
- {Export(n:3);}
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Import FITS…';
- {
- Imports 8 and 16-bit FITS images. Refer to "FITS:A Flexible Image
- Transport System", Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement
- Series 44, 1981, 363-370.
- }
- var
- width,height,offset,HdrPid:integer;
- recsize,maxrecs,maxlines,loc,i,line:integer;
- BitPix,str:string;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.52);
- recsize:=2880;
- maxrecs:=10; {Must be increased to handle headers longer than 360 lines.}
- maxlines:=(recsize*maxrecs)/80;
- width:=recsize;
- height:=maxrecs;
- offset:=0;
- SetImport('8-bit');
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import(''); {Read in header as an image, prompting for the file name.}
- HdrPid:=PidNumber;
- BitPix:=Concat(chr(GetPixel(108,0)),chr(GetPixel(109,0)));
- if (BitPix<>' 8') and (BitPix<>'16') then begin
- PutMessage('This macro only reads 8 and 16-bit FITS files');
- SelectPic(HdrPid);
- Dispose;
- exit;
- end;
- str:=concat(chr(GetPixel(266,0)), chr(GetPixel(267,0)),
- chr(GetPixel(268,0)), chr(GetPixel(269,0)));
- width:=StringToNum(str);
- str:=concat(chr(GetPixel(346,0)), chr(GetPixel(347,0)),
- chr(GetPixel(348,0)), chr(GetPixel(349,0)));
- height:=StringToNum(str);
- loc:=0;
- line:=0;
- repeat
- str:='';
- for i:=1 to 3 do begin
- str:=concat(str,chr(GetPixel(loc mod recsize, loc div recsize)));
- loc:=loc+1;
- end;
- loc:=loc+77; {Skip to end of line}
- line:=line+1;
- until (line>=maxlines) or (str='END');
- SelectPic(HdrPid);
- Dispose;
- offset:=recsize+recsize*((line*80) div recsize);
- if BitPix=' 8'
- then SetImport('8-bit')
- else SetImport('16-bit Signed; Calibrate; Autoscale');
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import(''); {No prompt this time; Import remembers the name.}
- if BitPix=' 8' then Invert;
- FlipVertical;
- end;
- macro 'Display FITS Header…';
- var
- i,j,loc:integer;
- HdrPid,RecordSize,maxlines,line:integer;
- MaxRecords:integer;
- wname,str:string;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.53);
- RecordSize:=2880;
- MaxRecords:=10;
- maxlines:=(RecordSize*MaxRecords)/80;
- SetImport('8-bit');
- SetCustom(RecordSize,10,0);
- Import(''); {Read in header as an image, prompting for the file name.}
- HdrPid:=PidNumber;
- SetFont('Monaco');
- SetFontSize(9);
- wname:=concat(WindowTitle,' Header');
- NewTextWindow(wname,500,500);
- loc:=0;
- line:=1;
- repeat
- ChoosePic(HdrPid);
- str:='';
- for j:=1 to 80 do begin
- str:=concat(str,chr(GetPixel(loc mod RecordSize, loc div RecordSize)));
- loc:=loc+1;
- end;
- SelectWindow(wname);
- writeln(str);
- line:=line+1;
- until (line>maxlines) or (pos('END',str)=1);
- SelectPic(HdrPid);
- Dispose;
- end;
- macro 'Import Image TIFF File…';
- {
- As an example of how to import a foreign file format, this macro reads
- the TIFF files created by Image. The format of an Image TIFF file
- is described in Appendix E of the Image manual.
- }
- var
- width,height,offset:integer;
- begin
- width:=768;
- height:=1;
- offset:=0;
- SetImport('8-bit');
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import(''); {Read in header as an image, prompting for the file name.}
- if not ((GetPixel(0,0)=77) and (GetPixel(0,0)=77)) then begin {'MM'}
- PutMessage('This is not a TIFF file.');
- SelectPic(nPics); Dispose;
- exit;
- end;
- width := (GetPixel(30,0)*256) + GetPixel(31,0);
- height := (GetPixel(42,0)*256) + GetPixel(43,0);
- SelectPic(nPics); {The ID of the last window opened is equal to nPics.}
- Dispose;
- offset:=768;
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import(''); {No prompt this time; Import remembers the name.}
- end;
- macro 'Import Multiple Images per File…';
- {
- Imports a series of 256x256 images contained in a single file, in this
- case an NIH Image stack with an arbitrary number of 256x256 slices.
- }
- var
- offset,i,PicSize,HdrSize,width,height:integer;
- begin
- HdrSize:= 768;
- width:= 256;
- height:=256;
- PicSize:=width*height;
- offset:=HdrSize;
- SetImport('8-bit');
- for I:=1 to 100 do begin {Macro will terminate at eof}
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import('');
- offset:=offset+PicSize;
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Import 3D PET…';
- var
- offset,i,PicSize,HdrSize,width,height:integer;
- begin
- HdrSize:= 0;
- width:= 128;
- height:=128;
- PicSize:=width*height;
- offset:=HdrSize;
- SetImport('8-bit');
- for I:=1 to 100 do begin {Macro will terminate at eof}
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import('');
- offset:=offset+PicSize;
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Convert Files…';
- {
- Converts a set of raw data files(all in the same folder) with names
- in the form raw.001, raw.002, etc to TIFF or PICT. As long as the
- converted files are saved in the same folder, you should
- only see two file dialog boxes(one for the first Import and one for
- the first SaveAs).
- }
- Var
- i,nFiles:integer;
- begin
- nFiles:=GetNumber('Number of files:',5);
- for i:=1 to nFiles do begin
- Import('raw.',i:3);
- SetPicName('file',i:3);
- SaveAs;
- Dispose;
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Import IPLab File';
- var
- width,height,offset:integer;
- begin
- width:=100;
- height:=1;
- offset:=0;
- SetImport('8-bit');
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import(''); {Read in header as an image, prompting for file name.}
- width := (GetPixel(8,0)*256) + GetPixel(9,0);
- height := (GetPixel(12,0)*256) + GetPixel(13,0);
- Dispose;
- offset:=2120; {The IPLab offset}
- SetImport('16-bit Signed; Calibrate; Autoscale');
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import(''); {No prompt this time; Import remembers the name.}
- end;
- procedure ShowBioRadInfo;
- {Displays the contents of the 480(?) byte header at}
- {the end of Biorad MRC 600 Z Series files.}
- var
- MaxInfoSize,offset:integer;
- ch:string;
- begin
- MaxInfoSize:=480;
- SetCustom(MaxInfoSize,1,HdrSize+Width*Height);
- SetImport('8-bit'); {Don't invert}
- Import('');
- GetRow(0,0,MaxInfoSize);
- Dispose;
- SetNewSize(460,100);
- SetForeground(255);
- SetBackground(0);
- MakeNewWindow('Info');
- SetCursor('Watch');
- SetFont('Monaco');
- SetText('With background; Left Justified');
- SetFontSize(12);
- MoveTo(8,10);
- for i:=0 to MaxInfoSize-1 do begin
- offset:=i mod 96;
- if offset=0 then writeln;
- ch:=chr(LineBuffer[i]);
- if (offset=2) and (ord(ch)=0) then exit;
- if (offset>=16) and (offset<=95) and (ord(ch)>=32) and (ord(ch)<=126)
- then write(ch);
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Import Biorad MRC 600 Z Series…';
- {
- Imports a Z series(multiple images per file) from a Biorad MRC 600
- confocal microscope. The width, height and number of images are
- extracted from the first 3 16-bit word in the 76 byte header and
- the file name is extracted from bytes 18-23 of the header. This macro
- does not read merged pseudocolored BioRad files. Note that the Undo
- and Clipboard buffers must be set to 384K to work with the typical
- 768x512 Biorad images.
- }
- var
- width,height,nImages,offset,hdrsize,i,start,picsize:integer;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.50);
- width:=512;
- height:=1;
- offset:=0;
- SetImport('8-bit');
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import(''); {Read header}
- GetPicSize(width,height);
- if (width<>512) or (height<>1) then begin
- Dispose;
- PutMessage('Please to not change width, height, etc. in the Import dialog box.');
- exit;
- end;
- width:=GetPixel(0,0)+GetPixel(1,0)*256;
- height:=GetPixel(2,0)+GetPixel(3,0)*256;
- nImages:=GetPixel(4,0)+GetPixel(5,0)*256;
- Dispose;
- hdrsize:= 76;
- picsize:=width*height;
- if (width<128) or (width>2048) or (height<128) or (height>2048) or (nImages<1) or (nImages>256) then begin
- PutMessage('This does not seem to be a Biorad MRC 600 Z Series file.');
- exit;
- end;
- start:=GetNumber('Starting image:',1);
- offset:=HdrSize+(start-1)*PicSize;
- SetImport('8-bit, Invert');
- SetCustom(width,height,offset,nimages);
- Import('');
- ShowBioRadInfo;
- end;
- macro 'Import from IBAS';
- var
- width,height,offset:integer;
- begin
- width:=128;
- height:=1;
- offset:=0;
- SetImport('8-bit');
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import(''); {Read in header as an image, prompting for file name.}
- width := (GetPixel(7,0)*256) + GetPixel(6,0);
- height := (GetPixel(9,0)*256) + GetPixel(8,0);
- Dispose(nPics); {The ID of the last window opened = nPics.}
- offset:=128; {The IBAS offset}
- SetImport('8-bit; Calibrate; Autoscale');
- SetCustom(width,height,offset);
- Import(''); {No prompt this time; Import remembers the name.}
- Invert
- SetScaling ('Bilinear');
- SetScaling ('New Window');
- ScaleAndRotate (0.80, 1.0, 0);
- end;
- macro 'Import 64x64x64x16-bit SPECT Image…';
- {Imports a 64x64x64x16-bit headerless SPECT image into a stack.}
- var
- width,height,nImages,hdrsize:integer;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.50);
- width:=64;
- height:=64;
- nImages:=64;
- HdrSize:= 0;
- SetImport('16-bit Unsigned, Swap Bytes');
- {SetImportMinMax(0,2500);} {Uncomment to fix scale}
- SetCustom(width,height,HdrSize,nImages);
- Import('');
- end;
- macro 'Import 8-bit 3D Image…';
- var
- width,height,offset,nImages:integer;
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.50);
- width:=GetNumber('Width:',256);
- height:=GetNumber('Height:',256);
- nImages:=GetNumber('Depth(number of slices):',128);
- offset:=GetNumber('Offset(header size):',0);
- SetImport('8-bit');
- SetCustom(width,height,offset,nImages);
- Import('');
- end;
- macro 'Open with scale set to 100 pixels/mm [S]';
- {Example of a way to open images and have the}
- {spatial scale always set the same way.}
- begin
- Open(''); {or Import('')}
- SetScale(100,'mm'); {Change as needed}
- end;
- macro 'Load Synergy Image';
- begin
- SetImport('8-bit');
- SetCustom(512,480,16384);
- Import('');
- ChangeValues(0,0,1);
- ChangeValues(255,255,254);
- SetPalette('Rainbow');
- end;
- macro 'Import Siemens 3D MRI…';
- begin
- RequiresVersion(1.50);
- SetImport('16-bit Signed, Swap Bytes');
- {SetImportMinMax(0,3000);} {Remove comments to fix scale}
- SetCustom(256,256,0,127);
- Import('');
- end;
- procedure ImportPhotoshop(offset:integer);
- {
- Imports a 24-bit, uncompressed Photoshop
- TIFF file into a 3-slice stack.
- }
- var
- width,height,temp,stack,i,j:integer;
- begin
- SetImport('8-bit; Invert');
- width:=GetNumber('Width:',512);
- height:=GetNumber('Height:',512);
- SetCustom(3*width,height,offset,1);
- Import('');
- temp:=PicNumber;
- SetNewSize(width,height);
- MakeNewStack('RGB');
- AddSlice;
- AddSlice;
- stack:=PicNumber;
- for i:=0 to width-1 do begin
- for j:=1 to 3 do begin
- ChoosePic(temp);
- GetColumn(3*i+(j-1),0,height);
- ChoosePic(stack);
- ChooseSlice(j);
- PutColumn(i,0,height);
- end;
- end;
- SelectSlice(1);
- SelectPic(temp);
- Dispose;
- end;
- macro 'Import Photoshop 2.0 24-bit TIFF';
- begin
- ImportPhotoshop(196);
- end;
- macro 'Import Photoshop 2.5 24-bit TIFF';
- begin
- ImportPhotoshop(598);
- end;
- macro 'Import LUT…';
- {Imports a 256 x 3 x 8-bit look-up table located 'offset'
- bytes from the beginning of a file. Use an offset of 32 for
- LUTs created using Image's Save As command and an
- offset of 0 for Exported LUTs.}
- }
- var
- offset,i:integer;
- begin
- offset:=0; {Use 32 for LUTs created using Save As}
- SetImport('8-bit');
- SetCustom(256,3,offset);
- Import(''); {Read LUT as an image}
- for i:=0 to 255 do begin
- RedLut[i]:=GetPixel(i,0);
- GreenLut[i]:=GetPixel(i,1);
- BlueLut[i]:=GetPixel(i,2);
- end;
- UpdateLUT;
- end;
- macro 'Open List of Files…';
- var
- width,height:integer;
- name,ch:string;
- begin
- width:=256;
- height:=3;
- SetCustom(width,height,0);
- Import('File List'); {Read text as an image}
- repeat
- name:='';
- repeat
- ch:=chr(GetPixel(CharLoc mod width,CharLoc div width));
- if ch>=chr(32) then begin
- name:=concat(name,ch);
- end;
- CharLoc:=CharLoc+1;
- until (ch=13) or (CharLoc>=width*height);
- ShowMessage(name);
- wait(1);
- until (name='') or (CharLoc>=width*height);
- end;
- macro 'File processing test';
- begin
- Open('hd400:images:image001');
- Invert;
- Save;
- Close;
- Open('hd400:images:image002');
- Invert;
- Save;
- Close;
- Open('hd400:images:image003');
- Invert;
- Save;
- Close;
- end;
- macro 'Batch Processing Example…';
- {
- Reads from disk and processes a set of images too large to
- simultaneously fit in memory. The image names names must be
- in the form 'image001', 'image002', ..., but this can be changed.
- }
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- for i:=1 to 1000 do begin
- open('image',i:3);
- {process;}
- save;
- close;
- end;
- end;
- macro 'Export Non-Rectangular ROI';
- var
- left,top,width,height:integer;
- pid1,pid2:integer;
- begin
- GetRoi(left,top,width,height);
- if width=0 then begin
- PutMessage('Non-rectangular selection required.');
- exit;
- end;
- pid1:=PidNumber;
- SetNewSize(width,height);
- MakeNewWindow('Temp');
- pid2:=PidNumber;
- SelectPic(pid1);
- Copy;
- SelectPic(pid2);
- Paste;
- Export; {or SaveAs}
- end;